i have list of icons on webpage generated object array. when user clicks on icon, corresponding object array passed function in factory saves name of object selected, $state.go
called change routes. on new route controller loaded loads same factory , tries access name of saved object. problem 7 times out of 10, works perfectly, , other 3 times gives "unable property 'name' of undefined or null reference" type error.
here controller passing selected value factory:
platformhome.controller('platformhome', ['$scope', 'appmanager', '$state', function ($scope, appmanager, $state) { var sf = appmanager.state.sf; var = appmanager.state.so; $scope.productlineselected = function (product) { setproductline(product); }; function setproductline(product) { sf.setproduct(product); $state.go('metricdashboard'); } }]);
here factory:
applicationmanager.factory('appstatemanager', ['$rootscope', '$sessionstorage', '$state', function ($rootscope, $sessionstorage, $state) { // state object classes // var stateclasses = {}; stateclasses.productline = function (name) { this.name = name; this.dashboard = { mode: 'reporting', //reporting, analysis modeview: 'canvas', //canvas, data index: { report: 0, userreport: 0, canvas: 0, group: 0, element: 0, filter: 0, } }; this.reports = []; this.canvases = [new stateclasses.canvas]; }; // state data functions // var statefunctions = {}; statefunctions.setproduct = function (product) { session.stateobject.productline.current = product.code; session.stateobject[product.code] = (typeof session.stateobject[product.code] === 'undefined') ? new stateclasses.productline(product.name) : session.stateobject[product.code]; }; // stucture // var statescope = $rootscope.$new(true); var session = $sessionstorage; session.stateobject = (typeof session.stateobject === 'undefined') ? new stateclasses.stateobject : session.stateobject; statescope.so = session.stateobject; statescope.sf = statefunctions; return statescope; }]);
here controller trying access name:
metricdashboard.controller('metricdashboard', ['$scope', 'appmanager', function ($scope, appmanager) { var sf = appmanager.state.sf; var = appmanager.state.so; dso = so[so.productline.current]; $scope.name = dso.name; }]);
i suspect issue related order in things happening, however, cannot figure out why works 7 times out of 10.
when error, have been able determine line so.productline.current
in second controller has value of none
, meaning doesn't seem have been updated scope of controller, however, @ same time, i'm using console.log(json.stringify())
inside factory, , factory indeed show proper value instead of none
i've tried using $timeout
on $state.go
, , tried passing callback, neither of prevent issue. again 7 times out of 10, code runs fine , name property value, not.
i able correct problem few steps. idea remove assignment of dso
variable metricdashboard
controller , move functionality of assignment factory, reference newly assigned variable in controller.
here changes:
in factory
... // state data functions // var statefunctions = {}; statefunctions.setproduct = function (product) { session.stateobject.productline.current = product.code; session.stateobject[product.code] = (typeof session.stateobject[product.code] === 'undefined') ? new stateclasses.productline(product.name) : session.stateobject[product.code]; //new functionality assignment session.dynamicstateobject = session.stateobject[product.code]; statescope.dso = session.dynamicstateobject; }; // stucture // var statescope = $rootscope.$new(true); var session = $sessionstorage; session.stateobject = (typeof session.stateobject === 'undefined') ? new stateclasses.stateobject : session.stateobject; //new structure persist assignment beyond page refresh session.dynamicstateobject = (typeof session.dynamicstateobject === 'undefined') ? {} : session.dynamicstateobject; //new reference statescope.dso = session.dynamicstateobject; statescope.so = session.stateobject; statescope.sf = statefunctions; return statescope;
in controller
var sf = appmanager.state.sf; var = appmanager.state.so; //removed assignmnet //dso = so[so.productline.current]; //added reference var dso = appmanager.state.dso; $scope.name = dso.name;
while have not yet tested new code extensively, have not been able reproduce error.
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