reactjs - Which way should I use for Connector in Redux? -

i seen 2 ways of doing same thing not sure proper way.


import react, {component} 'react'; import {bindactioncreators} 'redux'; import {connect} 'react-redux'; import {selectuser} '../actions/index'   class userlist extends component {      renderlist() {         return => {             return (                 <li                     key={}                     onclick={() => this.props.selectuser(user)}                 >                     {user.first} {user.last}                 </li>             );         });     }      render() {         return (             <ul>                 {this.renderlist()}             </ul>         );     }  }  // apps state , pass props userlist //      > whenever state changes, userlist automatically re-render function mapstatetoprops(state) {     return {         users: state.users     }; }  // actions , pass them props to userlist //      > userlist has this.props.selectuser function matchdispatchtoprops(dispatch){     return bindactioncreators({selectuser: selectuser}, dispatch); }  // don't want return plain userlist (component) anymore, want return smart container //      > userlist aware of state , actions export default connect(mapstatetoprops, matchdispatchtoprops)(userlist);


import react "react" import { connect } "react-redux"  import { fetchuser } "../actions/useractions" import { fetchtweets } "../actions/tweetsactions"  @connect((store) => {   return {     user: store.user.user,     userfetched: store.user.fetched,     tweets: store.tweets.tweets,   }; }) export default class layout extends react.component {   componentwillmount() {     this.props.dispatch(fetchuser())   }    fetchtweets() {     this.props.dispatch(fetchtweets())   }    render() {     const { user, tweets } = this.props;      if (!tweets.length) {       return <button onclick={this.fetchtweets.bind(this)}>load tweets</button>     }      const mappedtweets = => <li>{tweet.text}</li>)      return <div>       <h1>{}</h1>       <ul>{mappedtweets}</ul>     </div>   } }

the first way uses 2 different functions mapstatetoprops() , matchdispatchtoprops() while other way uses @connect(....).

when use @connect whole bunch of warnings saying has not been finalized , might change.

the @ symbol decorator still considered experimental. use @ own risk. first code block safer way described in official docs. both blocks same thing decorators more sugar anything.

