plot - R: Making Bigger Graphs when using facet_wrap() -

i'm having trouble visualizing data in r markdown document. i'm attaching picture reference.

i graphs produced larger, , expect html page allow these graphs spread out, coming "squished"

g <- ggplot(item_loc_metrics, aes(capc_ssp_ratio, avg_wk_bkrm_eoh)) + geom_point(color="firebrick") g 

i run , returns nicely formatted graph: graph of data

this snippet of code works fine, cut same graph 60+ times based on store i'm looking at. i've tried to bit:

g2 <- ggplot(item_loc_metrics, aes(capc_ssp_ratio, avg_wk_bkrm_eoh)) + geom_point(color="firebrick") + facet_wrap(~co_loc_n, ncol=5, scales = "fixed", shrink = false) g2 

i end getting looks this:

graphs of data store
