i stcuked on binding ng-model inside directive's template html is
<input type="file" ng-model="uimg" value="test"/> <button ng-click="upload(user,uimg)" class="btn btn-default btn-sm"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> </button>
as see have ng-model called "uimg" , when click button , function calls code
here directive class wrote
export class customdirective implements ng.idirective{
public controller: any; public restrict: string; public templateurl: string; public scope: object; public link:ng.idirectivelinkfn; public transclude:boolean; constructor(restrict: string, scope: object , controller: any, templateurl: string, link:any ) { this.restrict = restrict; this.controller = controller; this.templateurl = templateurl; this.scope = scope; this.link = link; this.transclude = true; } }
and register directive app.
app.directive("uploadkimlik", () => new application.directive.customdirective("a", { user: "=",uimg:"=" }, "", application.helper.generic.getpath() + "admin/gethtml/?id=upload", (scope) => { scope.upload=(u,i)=> { alert("u john"); console.log(scope.user); console.log(i); }; }));
first alert works , alerts "u john"
second console.log(scope.user) works ng-model created in directive returns undefined.
what wrong not understand.
any appreciated. thanks.
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