Android not read all line from json file -

i trying read content local json file, not return line in json file return line only. below code:

public string loadjsonfromasset() {          stringbuilder text = new stringbuilder();          try {             final inputstream file = this.getresources().openrawresource(;             bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(file));             string line;             while ((line = br.readline()) != null) {                 text.append(line);                 text.append("\n");                 log.d("string",line);             }         }         catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         log.d("sdfsdf",text.tostring());          return text.tostring();     } 

and result :

{         "items": [           {             "title": "tv5",             "link": "",             "thumbnail": "tv5.png",             "direct" : false           },           {             "title": "ctn",             "link": "",             "thumbnail": "ctn.png",             "direct" : false           },           {             "title": "mytv",             "link": "",             "thumbnail": "mytv.png",             "direct" : false           },           {             "title": "msjtv",             "link": "rtmp://",             "thumbnail": "msj.png",             "direct" : true           },           {             "title": "atv",             "link": "rtmp://",             "thumbnail": "atv.png",             "direct" : true           },           {             "title": "cnc",             "link": "",             "thumbnail": "cnc.png",             "direct" : false           },           {             "title": "ntv",             "link": "",             "thumbnail": "ntv.png",             "direct" : false           },           {             "title": "tv9",             "link": "",             "thumbnail": "tv9.png",             "direct" : false           },           {             "title": "tv3",             "link": " 

please suggest best solution me, thanks,

if result printed in logs may character limit log. use debugger value of json , try use online tool convert json
