i want link github-java-project-wiki pages methods of javadoc of lib via http://javadoc.io
the project wiki geo uri dataformats should linked class-methods uesd process format.
example there should link between
- dataformat geo latitude https://github.com/k3b/k3b-geohelper/wiki/data#ll
- javaproperty latitude http://static.javadoc.io/com.github.k3b/k3b-geohelper/1.1.4/de/k3b/geo/api/igeopointinfo.html#getlatitude()
my problem: link class/method contains version-number "1.1.4"
my question: possible have link latest version instead of concrete version?
on artifact level can link
which redirect latest version
but donot know how on class level
alternativly there placeholder-variable in github-wiki can write
i contacted owners of javadoc.io , deployed new feature. link this: http://javadoc.io/page/org.mockito/mockito-all/latest/org/mockito/mockito.html
i use feature in mockito framework avoid hosting docs in gh-pages , simplify mockito's automated release process.
javadoc.io fantastic!
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