python - Get count of occurrence of integers in a random number selection in a range N times -

this question has answer here:

when writing code found myself doing lot of repetitive stuff , wondering if there easier or simpler or shorter way repetitive task such this.

here relevant code:

 random import randint     randomnumber = zeroes = ones = twos = threes = fours = fives = sixes = = 0      while < 1000000:         randomnumber = (randint(0,6))         if randomnumber == 0:             zeroes = zeroes + 1         if randomnumber == 1:             ones = ones + 1         if randomnumber == 2:             twos = twos + 1         if randomnumber == 3:             threes = threes + 1         if randomnumber == 4:             fours = fours + 1         if randomnumber == 5:             fives = fives + 1         if randomnumber == 6:             sixes = sixes + 1          = + 1 

rather taking named variables each random output, can take dictionary each possible value key. shorten code , made extendable random range

from random import randint randommax = 6 randomlist= {i:0 in range(0,randommax+1)} totaliterations = 10000 while totaliterations >0:     randomlist[randint(0,randommax)]+=1     totaliterations-=1 

sample output:

{0: 1400, 1: 1400, 2: 1500, 3: 1400, 4: 1500, 5: 1000, 6: 1800} 
