let's have 2 files f1.txt
, f2.txt
. f1.txt
has corrections need made, after both files need processed together. how merge output of f1.txt
corrections pipeline f2.txt
data? here illustration:
get-content f1.txt | % { $_ #some operation } # how merge output next pipeline? get-content f2.txt | % { #combined operations on f1.txt output , f2.txt } > output.txt
edit: understand can save first operation temporary file , read again combined operation:
... } > temp.txt get-content temp.txt, f2.txt | ...
but there way without creating buffer files?
you can wrap multiple commands in single sciptblock
, invoke it:
& { get-content f1.txt | % { $_ #some operation } get-content f2.txt } | % { #combined operations on f1.txt output , f2.txt } > output.txt
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