c# - Update property in nested array of entities in MongoDB -

is there straight forward way update nested array of entities in mongodb. using mongodb c# driver making db call application. below exmaple : have student collection each document has nested array of course necessary fields populated , course separate collection like:

{  "_id": "234dssfcv456",  "name": "jean douglas",  "age": 32,  "courses":    [     {        "_id": "1234",        "name": "computer science",        "level": "basic"      },     {        "_id": "3456",        "name": "bio science",        "level": "intermediate"      }   ]  } 

i know can update nested entity index below don't know index , rather know nested course object id only.

db.college.student.update(     {"student._id": "234dssfcv456"},      {$set: {         "student.$.courses.1.level": "basic"     }} 

right now, reading entire nested array of courses -> doing modification @ application end -> passing entire array update filedname "courses" going replace existing array 1 passed.

but thinking, there way can update 1 entity in array id available. please suggest.

*** on right side in related question section shows updating nested array of objects using index of object item not possibility me.

mongo shell:

> db.students.find( {_id:"234dssfcv456", "courses._id":"1234"} ).pretty() > db.students.update( {_id:"234dssfcv456", "courses._id":"3456"}, { $set: { "courses.$.level" : "updated" } } ) 

c# mongo schema:

public class student {   [bsonid]   [bsonrepresentation(bsontype.string)]   public string id { get; set; }   public string name { get; set; }   public int age { get; set; }   public course[] courses { get; set; } }  public class course {   [bsonid]   [bsonrepresentation(bsontype.string)]   public string id { get; set; }   public string name { get; set; }   public string level { get; set; } } 

lookup mongo docs positional operator. driver higher version using:

  var _client = new mongoclient(@"....");   var _database = _client.getdatabase("...");   var _students =  _database.getcollection<student>("students");    var filter = builders<student>.filter;   var studentidandcourseidfilter = filter.and(     filter.eq(x => x.id, "234dssfcv456"),     filter.elemmatch(x => x.courses, c => c.id == "1234") );    // find student id , course id    var student = _students.find(studentidandcourseidfilter).singleordefault();    // update positional operator   var update = builders<student>.update;         var courselevelsetter = update.set("courses.$.level", "updated level");   _students.updateone(studentidandcourseidfilter, courselevelsetter); 
