java - Cucumber with Spring Boot 1.4: Dependencies not injected when using @SpringBootTest and @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) -

i writing new app , trying bdd using cucumber , spring boot 1.4. working code shown below:

@springbootapplication public class application {     @bean     myservice myservice() {         return new myservice();     }      public static void main(string[] args) {, args);     } }  public class myservice {} 

test code shown below:

@runwith(cucumber.class) public class runfeatures {}  @runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @contextconfiguration(classes = application.class, loader = springapplicationcontextloader.class) public class mystepdef {     @autowired     myservice myservice;      @given("^some initial condition$")     public void appisstarted() throws throwable {         if (service == null) throw new exception("dependency not injected!");         system.out.println("app started");     }      @then("^nothing happens$")     public void thereshouldbenoexception() throws throwable {         system.out.println("test passed");     } } 

feature file shown below:

feature: test cucumber spring     scenario: first scenario         given initial condition         nothing happens 

when run above is, works , dependency (myservice) injected mystepdef no issues.

if replace code:

@runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @contextconfiguration(classes = application.class, loader = springapplicationcontextloader.class) 

with code below (new way handle in spring boot 1.4):

@runwith(springrunner.class) @springboottest 

then dependency (myservice) never gets injected. missing perhaps?

thanks in advance help!!!

i had same problem. comment above directed me solution

the problematic code in cucumber-spring seems‌​/…

after adding annotation @contextconfiguration tests working expected.

so i've got following...

@runwith(cucumber.class) @cucumberoptions(plugin = {"json:target/cucumber.json", "pretty"}, features = "src/test/features") public class cucumbertest { }  @contextconfiguration @springboottest public abstract class stepdefs { }  public class mystepdefs extends stepdefs {      @inject     service service;      @inject     repository repository;      [...]  } 

i hope helps further
