i want search multiple columns in multiple tables. this: given tables:
users id first_name last_name email
companies user_id address
lands name company_id
lets user johny bravo(johny.bravo@gmail.com) working in washington in united states. want find record based on query "ate" -> united states, or "rav" bravo
when type "rav" johny bravo rank higher johny bravos other emails first in results
how can implement such functionality? i've looked @ ts_vector , ts_rank seems supports right wildcard ("to_tsquery('brav:*')") work, don't need full-text-search functionalities(i adresses , usernames no need alias names etc.) can wildcard search have manually calculate ranking in application
you use pg_trgm extension.
you must have contrib installed, install extension:
create extension pg_trgm;
then can create trigram indexes:
create index user_idx on user using gist (user_data gist_trgm_ops);
and can query give first 10 similar values:
select * user order user_data <-> 'rav' limit 10;
note can replace user_data
immutable function, can concatenate of info 1 (text) field enabling search across more fields.
to "ranking score", can use similarity
function, returns 1 identical strings , 0 unrelated.
if need full text search across whole database, better solution might separate search facility, such apache solr.
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