How to download srt files from websites like '' using python (BeautifulSoup) -

i trying make subtitle downloader takes name of files in folder , searches on website ''. able scrap html source using beautiful soup unable link zip file html source. downloading gets triggered clicking on 'download button'.

the higlighted text link download button redirects to. how supposed download file using link

there no such explicit link zip file download. there anyway solve problem?

you don't want explicit link download zip file

here logic used python downloader script

myfile2= urllib2.urlopen( url ) # input link  myhtml2 =  soup2 = beautifulsoup(myhtml2,"lxml")  downloaddiv= soup2.find("div", {"class": "download"}) #finding div class link  downloadlink = downloaddiv.find('a') #finding url div class  download = ''+downloadlink['href'] #appending above url main domain genrating download  r = requests.get(download) # request downloading  z = zipfile.zipfile(io.bytesio(r.content)) # opening zip file  z.extractall() # extracting zip file 

you need these headerfiles

import zipfile bs4 import beautifulsoup import urllib2 import lxml.html stringio import stringio zipfile import zipfile urllib import urlopen import requests ,io 

hope understand correct!!
