i have table need say, if row contains text click cells on row.
i trying create list of rows, iterate through columns of each row , if text found in row, click cell deselect item following (which doesn't work, trying figure out logic).
// deselect pending quality review list<webelement> parents = driver.findelements(by.cssselector("tr[type='row']")); for(webelement parent : parents) { list<webelement> children = parent.findelements(by.cssselector("td[class='grdcell']")); for(webelement child : children) { if (parent.gettext().contains("pending quality review") && child.getattribute("style").contains("visible")) { system.out.println("deselect pending quality review"); child.click(); } //end if } // end child loop } // end parent element
here example html of i'm working with. first row has 2 selection boxes while second row has 1 indicated img tag.
<tr type="row" adr="14" tag="" id="x:1011327536.13:adr:14:tag:"> <td type="cell" adr="0" idx="0" class="grdcell">cancelled</td> <td class="ig9a63765d">1</td> <td class="ig9a63765e">1</td> <td type="cell" adr="3" idx="3" class="grdcell"> <img id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_main_main_main_gridstatussyncmappings_it3_14_imgsync" src="images/bluearrowleft32x32.png" alt="" style="visibility:visible;"></td> <td class="ig9a63765f">1</td> <td class="ig9a637660">1</td> <td class="grdcell"> <img id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_main_main_main_gridstatussyncmappings_it6_14_imgsync" src="images/bluearrowright32x32.png" alt="" style="visibility:visible;"></td> <td type="cell" adr="7" idx="7" class="grdcell">cancelled</td> <td class="ig9a637661">300020</td> <td class="ig9a637662">1</td> <td class="ig9a637663">1</td> <td class="ig9a637664">1</td> <td class="ig9a637665"></td> <td class="ig9a637666">1</td> <td class="ig9a637667"></td> </tr> <tr type="row" adr="15" tag="" id="x:1011327536.13:adr:15:tag:" class="ig_listalt igg_listalt "> <td type="cell" adr="0" idx="0" class="grdcell">pending quality review</td> <td class="ig9a63765d">1</td> <td wlkd="1" type="cell" idx="2" adr="2" class="ig9a63765e">1</td> <td wlkd="1" type="cell" adr="3" idx="3" class="grdcell"> <img id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_main_main_main_gridstatussyncmappings_it3_15_imgsync" src="images/bluearrowleft32x32.png" alt="" style="visibility: visible;"> </td> <td class="ig9a63765f">0</td> <td class="ig9a637660">0</td> <td type="cell" adr="6" idx="6" class="grdcell grdcell_cursordefault grdcell_gray grdcell"></td> <td type="cell" adr="7" idx="7" class="grdcell">pending quality review</td> <td class="ig9a637661">301002</td> <td wlkd="1" type="cell" idx="9" adr="9" class="ig9a637662">1</td> <td class="ig9a637663">0</td> <td class="ig9a637664">1</td> <td class="ig9a637665"></td> <td class="ig9a637666">1</td> <td class="ig9a637667"></td> </tr>
so in example, i'm need select pending quality review row , if img of cell contains visible, click it.
in future, may need along lines of saying if row cancelled, select 2nd option. details on how helpful well.
if (parent.gettext().contains("pending quality review") && ***child.getattribute("style").contains("visible")***)
the child webelement td , not contain style 'visibilty: visible' nothing getting clicked.
list<webelement> children = parent.findelements(by.cssselector("***td[class='grdcell']***"));
you have go down img level attribute.
plus can confirm parent.gettext.contains part, work correctly? knowledge guessing trying consolidated text in child tds , search text.
an alternate approach using locators... copy pasted code come following table borders added. correct cause based locators on table. (somehow unable attach image, put down link)
for selecting rows 'pending quality review' text can use following locator gather images visible --
"//td[@class='grdcell'][text()='pending quality review'][1]/following-sibling::td[3]/img[contains(@style,'visible')]"
this give list of images can click.
for selecting rows cancelled text , click on 2nd image when visible ---
one of pitfalls approach fail if table restructured shifting columns. if add unique classes img tags numbers can removed second td.
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