bluetooth lowenergy - Android 6, authentification issue with BLE Device, access to the LinkKey bits -

i've got issue android 6 , ble compatibility.

my app initiate read request on protected characteristic launch pairing display enter appropriate passcode. right pass code, smartphone , ble device bonded fine if it's android < 6.0

i tried android 6.0.1 keeps giving me same message "couldn't pair because of incorrect pin or passkey"

it's not permission issue since position permission access_coarse_location request.

it seems it's problem linkkey bits in pairing request. need access , block since ble device confused additional bit(s) in pairing request (because of use of bluetooth 4.0 , not 4.2).

any idea how that?

known bug in 1.4.0 of ti ble stack got fixed in 1.4.1:

fix cc254x host bond manager setparam configuration not support m/s linkkey enc exchange
