c++ - control reaches end of non-void function (only on particular IDEs) -

int findpow(int n1,int k, int count){ //while calling, k=1, count=0     if(k<n1)         return findpow(n1,k*2,count+1);     if(k==n1)         return count;     if(k>n1)         return --count; } 

this function returns largest power of 2 less n. when run in ubuntu terminal (g++ 4.8.4), works fine. when running on www.hackerrank.com, gives error(control reaches end of non void function). problem is, participate in many contests on website , have come across problem multiple times.

please tell if know how can fix it.

you can use else if statement this:

int findpow(int n1,int k, int count){ //while calling, k=1, count=0     if(k<n1)         return findpow(n1,k*2,count+1);     else if(k==n1)         return count;     else // eliminate compiler errors (warnings)         return --count; } 

or said @juanchopanza:

int findpow(int n1,int k, int count){ //while calling, k=1, count=0     if(k<n1)         return findpow(n1,k*2,count+1);      if(k==n1)         return count;      // eliminate compiler errors (warnings)     return --count; } 

it same thing code, not give doubt compiler can no return points function.
