javascript - Remove the border around the pie chart in high charts -

how remove border around pie chart.

enter image description here

i tried following options didn't work :

plotoptions.pie.borderwidth: 0
plotoptions.pie.bordercolor: '#f2f2f2' didn't work.

here full code :

$('#prequalifiedchart').highcharts({     chart: {         plotbackgroundcolor: '#f2f2f2',                 plotborderwidth: 0,                         plotshadow: false,                         height: 300,                     widht: 250,                 },      credits: {             enabled: false      },      exporting: {          buttons: {              contextbutton: {                  enabled: false              }             }      },      title: null,      tooltip: {                 headerformat: '',                     pointformat : '{}: <b>{point.y} ({point.percentage:.1f}%)</b>'             },      plotoptions: {                 pie: {                 datalabels: {             enabled: true,                         distance: -50,                         style: {                             fontweight: 'bold',                                 color: '#f2f2f2',                                 textshadow: '0px 1px 2px black'                                 }                                 },                 center: ['50%', '50%'],                 borderwidth: 0,                 bordercolor: '#f2f2f2'                      }                                 },       series: [{                                     datalabels: {                                 enabled: false,             },                             type: 'pie',                             name: '',                                 innersize: '50%',                         data: [                     {             name: 'submitted docs',             y: sad,             color: '#4b99d2',                     labels: {                 enabled: false                 },                 },                 {                     name: 'submitted missing docs',                     y: smd,                         color: '#e5a34a',                             labels: {                         enabled: false                 },                 },                 {                     name: 'not submitted',                     y: ns,                     color: '#844b03',                     labels: {                     enabled: false                 },                 }             ]             }]                         }); 

i think can use margintop, marginbottom etc. in case. here can find information parameters in highcharts api:

here can find example how chart may work approach:

chart: {       margintop: 0,       marginbottom: 0,       marginleft: 0,       marginright: 0,       plotbackgroundcolor: '#f2f2f2',       plotborderwidth: 0,       plotshadow: false,       height: 200,       widht: 150,     },

another idea use backgroundcolor instead of plotbackgroundcolor, here can see example how may work:

chart: {   backgroundcolor:'#f2f2f2',   plotborderwidth: 0,   plotshadow: false,   height: 200,   widht: 150, },

