my doubt whether prepared statement should inside or outside try/catch block.
(this example method user class)
should this?
public function getemail( $id_user ) { $this->_sql = 'select email '.tbl_users.' iduser = :id_user'; $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($this->_sql); try { $stmt->bindparam(':id_user', $id_user, pdo::param_int); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetchobject(); if (is_object($row)) { return $row->email; } return null; } catch (pdoexception $e) { throw $e; } }
or this?
public function getemail( $id_user ) { $this->_sql = 'select email '.tbl_users.' iduser = :id_user'; try { $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($this->_sql); $stmt->bindparam(':id_user', $id_user, pdo::param_int); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetchobject(); if (is_object($row)) { return $row->email; } return null; } catch (pdoexception $e) { throw $e; } }
the prepare() method can potentially throw pdoexception should include call prepare inside of try block. in both of examples you're re-throwing exception. unless you're going handle exception inside of catch block effect same.
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