ios - Universal Link opens my app but doesn't call application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler -

i'm trying implement universal links in app. read lot of tutorials , followed 1 letter: how support universal links in ios app , setup server it?

when click universal link app opens application:continueuseractivity:restorationhandler in appdelegate.m file isn't called can't direct specific page in app.

my apple-app-site-association file on https , paths put [ "*", "/" ]. triple-checked app prefix , id, confirmed associateddomains enabled both on developer website , in target. in associated domains section put root domain second entry prepended *. handle possible subdomains. testing on real device, not on simulator.

-(bool)application:(uiapplication *)application continueuseractivity:(nsuseractivity *)useractivity restorationhandler:(void (^)(nsarray * _nullable))restorationhandler {     alog(@"did here?"); } 

can provide advice should looking @ figure out why application:continueuseractivity:restorationhandler isn't being called?


i used apple's validation tool , gave result:

link application

action required

could not extract required information universal links. learn how implement recommended universal links.

error no apps domain entitlements entitlement data used verify deep link dual authentication current released version of app. data may take 48 hours update.

i don't know if has problem. wouldn't think so, because need test app make sure have universal links implemented before releasing update.
