i have following 2 methods:
def randomstartmethod() : long = { var range = 1000l var r = threadlocalrandom.current().nextlong(10l*range) var randomstart = 1396024675000l + r return randomstart } def randomstopmethod() : long = { var range = 1000l val r = threadlocalrandom.current().nextlong(10l*range) val randomstop = 1396024675000l + r*2l return randomstop }
then add request body this:
val activity = repeat(10, "i") { exec(http("post activity post") .post("/activity/") .header("content-type", "application/json; charset=iso-8859-1") .header("accept", "*/*") .body(stringbody( s""" |{ | "id": "activityid", | "type": "run", | "start_epoch_ms": "${randomstartmethod()}", | "end_epoch_ms": "${randomstop()}", | "metrics": [ | { | "type": "distance", | "unit": "km", | "source": "nike.running.ios", | "values": [ | { | "start_epoch_ms": "${randomstartmethod()}", | "end_epoch_ms": "${randomstopmethod()}", | "value": 2.0 | } | | ] | } | ] |} """.stripmargin)). asjson .check(status.is(202)) .check( jsonpath( "$.activityid").saveas("message") ) .check(bodystring. transform(_.split("\"" )(3)).saveas( "changetoken")) ).exec( session => { val maybeid = session.get( "message").asoption[string] println(maybeid) session } ) } }
but here values not generated dynamically when use feed. can suggest how generate random numbers every time throughout run?
remember: if want code evaluated not once on startup when gatling builds scenario, every time virtual user performs action, have pass dynamic content: either gatling el based string, or function.
here, have latter, like:
.body(stringbody(session => //this function s""" |{ | "id": "activityid", | "type": "run", | "start_epoch_ms": "${randomstartmethod()}", | "end_epoch_ms": "${randomstop()}", | "metrics": [ | { | "type": "distance", | "unit": "km", | "source": "nike.running.ios", | "values": [ | { | "start_epoch_ms": "${randomstartmethod()}", | "end_epoch_ms": "${randomstopmethod()}", | "value": 2.0 | } | | ] | } | ] |} """.stripmargin))
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