assuming have method wrapping jquery ajax method:
function getjson(url, completecallback, alwayscallback, failcallback) { var newurl = location.protocol + "//" + + url; $.getjson(newurl).done(function (result) { if (typeof completecallback == "function") { completecallback(result); } }).fail(function (jqxhr, textstatus, error) { if (typeof failcallback == "function") { failcallback(result); } else { alert("request failed " + url + " textstatus:" + textstatus + " error:" + error); } }).always(function () { if (typeof alwayscallback == "function") { alwayscallback(); } }); }
and call dosomething method, internally calls getjson. result getjson callback want pass first parameter of doresume; remaining arguments should passed methods signature.
function dosomething(a, b, c, id) { var url = '/mycontroller/getdata?id=' + id; getjson(url, doresume(this.result, a, b, c)); } function doresume(result, a, b, c) { }
i tried achieve using keyword, result not assigned.
you need pass function not result of invocation
getjson(url, function(result){ doresume(result, a, b, c); });
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