i have been getting weird error in in application. not being generated due mechanize library because have put try-except around class exception.
plus browser.open() returns required address without issue. exception doesn't come 1 out of 10 times.
i have no idea is...
please help
this code:
def check_result(self, submission_id, question_code): """ returns result of problem submission. :return: result codde ra - right answer wa - wrong answer ce - compilation error re - runtime error """ print "================================" print "response:" try: response = self._br.open(self.url + '/status/' + question_code) except exception: # todo more specific exception better stack trace raise exceptionset.internetconnectionfailedexception # print response.read() response = beautifulsoup(response.read(), 'html.parser') tables = response.findchildren('table') table = tables[0] rows = table.findchildren(['tr', 'th']) result = '' flag = false row in rows: cells = row.findchildren('td') cell in cells: if cell.string == submission_id: flag = true result = cell.string break if flag: break print result
the exact stack trace :
exception mechanize._response.httperror_seek_wrapper: <httperror_seek_wrapper (urllib2.httperror instance) @ 0x7fd87195fbb0 wrapped object = <closeable_response @ 0x7fd87490dc20 fp = <response_seek_wrapper @ 0x7fd87195c830 wrapped object = <closeable_response @ 0x7fd87195c2d8 fp = <socket._fileobject object @ 0x7fd8719706d0>>>>> in <bound method api.__del__ of <codechef.api instance @ 0x7fd8749249e0>> ignored
thank you!
and sorry if obvious , direct problem.
edit: apparently issue not piece of code, still trying solve it. if can give clues helpful.
the link code : https://github.com/paradoxzero/codechefapi
please comment if should directly post code here.
thank you!
edit 2:
found reason error, still don't understand why happened. calling logout() function in __ del __() removing __ del __() rectified error.
but still don't understand or why happened.
found solution, error occurring due simple exception happening in destructor went unhandled.
simply write code either handle exception or re throw it
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