javascript - Using Promises with Loops and Nested Functions -

i trying use promises loops , nested functions within of loops. have series of functions supposed bring sharepoint list items rest calls - once done executing, function gets called uses data brought back.

since there multiple lists, , subsequently multiple list items in each, used while loop make each rest call, , there, data (list items) put objects. objects gets placed array , that's second functions uses continue on.

i'm having trouble receiving responses promises. thinking have multiple promises pushed array, use promise.all see if resolved before using then. problem promises stay pending since i'm not returning resolve correctly. please see below.

    function onquerysuccess(sender, args) {         var itemenumerator = items.getenumerator();          while (itemenumerator.movenext()) {             var promise = new promise(function (resolve, reject) {                 var item = itemenumerator.get_current();                 item = item.get_item('url');                 var itemurl = item.get_description();                  getrequestitemsfromlist(itemurl);             });              promises.push(promise); // promises present, status pending         }          console.log(promises);          promise.all(promises).then(function (val) {             console.log(val);             execfuncs(); // function execute once above done         }).catch(function (response) {             console.log(response);         });     } 

because there's lot of functions involved, order of execution:

getrequestitemsfromlist //gets url each list execcrossdomainrequest (on success call) // makes rest call list , items cleandata // trims data , puts in objects 

the last figured call promise.resolve() since that's end of line.

either way, that's not working. checked out other threads, i'm trying without using libraries. in advance.


full relevant code:

var promises = [];  window.requests = [];  function getrequestlists() {     var requestslists = hostweb.get_lists().getbytitle('name');  // sharepoint list request list urls.     context.load(requestslists);      var camlquery = new sp.camlquery();     camlquery.set_viewxml('<view></view>');     var items = requestslists.getitems(camlquery);      context.load(items, 'include(url)');      context.executequeryasync(onquerysuccess, onqueryfail);      function onquerysuccess(sender, args) {         var itemenumerator = items.getenumerator();          while (itemenumerator.movenext()) {             var promise = new promise(function (resolve, reject) {                 var item = itemenumerator.get_current();                 item = item.get_item('url');                 var itemurl = item.get_description();                  getrequestitemsfromlist(itemurl);             });              promises.push(promise);         }          console.log(promises);          promise.all(promises).then(function (val) {             console.log(val);             execfuncs(); // not shown here         }).catch(function (response) {             console.log(response);         });     }      function onqueryfail(sender, args) {         alert("request retrieve list url items has failed. " + args.get_message());     } }  function getrequestitemsfromlist(url) {     var lastpos = getsubstringindex(url, "/", 4);     var weburl = url.substring(0, lastpos); // truncates list url parse out web url             var abslistpos = getsubstringindex(url, "allitems.aspx", 1);     var abslisturl = url.substring(0, abslistpos); // truncates allitems.aspx @ end of list url      var rellistpos = getsubstringindex(abslisturl, "/", 3);     var rellisturl = abslisturl.substring(rellistpos, abslisturl.length); // gets list's relative url       var listname = "list name";      console.log(weburl);     execcrossdomainrequest(weburl, listname, abslisturl); }  function execcrossdomainrequest(weburl, listname, abslisturl) {     var executor = new sp.requestexecutor(appweburl);      executor.executeasync({ // collect list description         url: appweburl + "/_api/sp.appcontextsite(@target)/web/lists/getbytitle(@name)?" +             "@target='" + weburl + "'&@name='" + listname + "'" +             "&$select=description",         method: "get",         headers: { "accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },         success: oncallsuccess,         error: oncallfail     });      function oncallsuccess(data) {         var json = json.parse(data.body);         var description = json.d.description;          executor.executeasync({ // collect list item information             url: appweburl + "/_api/sp.appcontextsite(@target)/web/lists/getbytitle(@name)/items?" +                 "@target='" + weburl + "'&@name='" + listname + "'" +                 "&$top=500&$select=*," +                 "assigned_x0020_to/title" +                 "&$expand=assigned_x0020_to/id",             method: "get",             headers: { "accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },             success: onitemscallsuccess,             error: onitemscallfail         });          function onitemscallsuccess(data) {             var itemsjson = json.parse(data.body);             var results = itemsjson.d.results;              cleandata(results, description, abslisturl);         }          function onitemscallfail(data, errorcode, errormessage) {             console.log("could not make list items cross domain call. " + errormessage);         }     }      function oncallfail(data, errorcode, errormessage) {         console.log("could not make list cross domain call. " + errormessage);     } }  function cleandata(results, listdescription, abslisturl) {      if (!results.length) {         return;     }      (var = 0; < results.length; i++) {         var client = listdescription;         var id = results[i].id;         ...          }          var request = new request(client, id, path, title, status, estimated, assignedto, priority, description, response);          window.requests.push(request);     }      return promise.resolve(); } 

when use promise constructor this:

var promise = new promise(function (resolve, reject) { 

it implies somewhere inside block calling resolve and/or reject, settle promise.

but never doing it, leaving created promise object in pending state forever.

see constructing promise.
